Corporate Wellness
Bring Michele to Work
One of the hardest places to stay healthy is the workplace. No matter where you work, the struggle is real!
Humans are the only mammal species on the planet that intentionally isolates themselves from their tribe and locks themselves in cages all day. This is a huge problem for all other species on the planet and we are no exception!
With great power comes great responsibility. Yes I just quoted the late Stan Lee from Spiderman! If you’re an employER, it’s YOUR responsibility to communicate a message of health rather than disease. Everybody wins when this happens.
How will a wellness program affect your business?
A well designed program should have a return on investment and most do not! Our programs have a positive ROI because we will incorporate all of the elements above even in our smaller programs. We measure baseline productivity, sick leave and absenteeism, health care spending (if available), biometric screening, retention and turnover, employee happiness, and engagement. Employers can and should see the following ROI (**):
- 27% reduced sick leave and absenteeism
- 26% reduction in health care spending
- 12% reduction in workplace induced stress
- 8% increase in productivity
- 67% increase in morale and engagement
- 45% improvement in employee retention
- 89% increase in happiness
- and an overall 581% ROI !!!
** Data from the American Journal of Health Promotion, The Economist Intelligence Unit & Humana National Business Group on Health Report, Principal Financial Well-Being Index.
Bottom line: healthy people are better to be around, sick less often, and produce more work with a smile on their face!
Michele partners with employers to provide with weekly goal execution and one-on-one wellness coaching.
Corporate Wellness
One-on-one personalized coaching with a world renowned coach
On-site fitness trainers (weights, cardio, yoga, pilates, kettle bells, etc.)
Financial coaching (including household budgeting and investing)
Off-site events (martial arts, lake or ocean activities, skiing, etc.)
It’s Easy to Get Started!
book appointment
Use Michele’s calendar link below to schedule an appointment on-demand and
Invite Michele
Meet with Michele and learn about her effective corporate wellness program.
Work Well
Bring health and vitality to work every day with corporate wellness training.