Private Coaching

Do You Want to Be a Happy, Healthy Human?

Did you know that human life expectancy has gone down in recent years? Most people find this shocking in light of the technology and medical interventions we’ve discovered and have at our disposal.

The truth is, we’re a far cry from healthy in the United States. We’re dying younger, suffering from long-term lifestyle diseases, and a large majority of Americans admit they are generally unhappy.

From a young age, Michele was confronted with and affected by these things within her own family, creating in her a passion to see people happy and healthy.

As a private coach, Michele offers one-on-one wellness coaching and motivational health planning to assist her clients with achieving a vibrant existence, built on Mother Nature’s scientifically proven rules.


What’s Included:

  • Weekly or monthly wellness check-ins.
  • Personalized wellness goal planning.
  • Meal-planning templates and aids.
  • Access to Michele’s Happy, Healthy Human presentation.
  • On-demand Q&A for your wellness journey.

It’s Easy to Get Started!


book appointment

Use Michele’s calendar link below to schedule an appointment on-demand and

free 20 minute consult

Meet with Michele and identify your wellness hangups, questions, and goals.

become a hHH

Becoming a Happy, Healthy Human is for everyone and every age! Let’s get started!